Student Perception of Suitable and Fair Performance-Based Assessment in Higher Education (2/2)

Paperpresentatie (30 minuten)588S.W.L. Van Buel; Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR); J.C. Arboleda; Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)

Simon - S8vr 11:15 - 12:15

Performance-based assessments (PBA) varying in degrees and components of standardization are commonly used in higher education to assess students’ competencies. However, an open question is how students perceive them, which this study aims to answer. It is of high relevance to answer that question, as stakeholder perceptions are known to influence adoption of assessment procedures, and because student motivation and achievement can be negatively influenced by negative assessment perceptions. Through two preregistered studies, we explore how varying degrees and components of standardization in PBA, defined as rating standardization (RS), integration standardization (IS), and comparative judgment (CJ), impact students’ perceived suitability (study 1) and perceived fairness (study 2). Specifically, the first study investigates the impact of RS, IS, and CJ on students' perceived validity, decontextualization, reductionism, feedback usefulness, and course-taking intentions. Study 2 investigates how RS, IS and CJ, affect students’ perceived procedural and distributive justice, equity, and equality, with a specific focus on potential differences between ethnic minority and majority students. Data analysis is performed using ANOVAs, Linear Mixed Models, and relative importance analysis, among others. No results are available yet.

Dit onderzoek is NRO-gefinancierd.

Assessment, Methodologie & Evaluatie
higher education, Performancebased assessment, standardization, validity & fairness